Brian Moras sdb
LONAVLA, MAY 16, 2008: This year’s annual Vocation Camps at Don Bosco Lonavla were held from May 5 to 8 and May 10 to 13. The first camp was for those aspiring to join the Apostolic School (Std VIII & IX) and the latter was for those wishing to join the Aspirantate (Std XI, XII, Post XII and the English Course). The Lord blessed us with many good and enthusiastic youngsters for the camps – we had 45 youngsters for the first camp and 51 for the second. The camps were designed to give the youngsters a first hand experience of Don Bosco Lonavla and to help them in discerning if the Lord was calling them to follow him through the Salesian way of life. It also gave the Salesians an opportunity to get to know the boys and select those who would be happy in the Apostolic School and Aspirantate. At the end of the camps, of the youngsters who applied to come back, 41 were chosen in all: 12 for the Apostolic School and 29 for the Aspirantate. It was interesting for me to note that the boys who had made up their mind before the camp to join Lonavla stuck to their decision after the beautiful camp experience, whereas those who were in two minds remained in two minds till the end. Probably, being afraid of what they will miss, being caught up with the glamour of the world, not wanting to move ahead leaving their companions behind, and in a few cases - not being sure if their family would give them permission.... discouraged them from taking the step forward. Answering the ‘call’ needs the courage to make the leap of faith, of giving God a chance and most of all of being generous with ourselves. He who calls, provides. God can never be outdone in generosity. It is time to give God a chance!