Crescens Lemos sdb
MATUNGA, JULY 9, 2008: ‘They can, those who think they can’. Those who think they could, have now been chosen and given the opportunity to prove their worth! On July 6, the Don Bosco Matunga Boarding witnessed the installation ceremony of the new office bearers for this year. The captains marched in solemnly with their respective flags and this was followed by the lighting of the lamp. Glevin Soares the Boarding Captain and Noel Carvalho the Boarding Vice Captain were invested with symbols of authority; then raising their right hand they took the oath to be faithful and obedient to the institution. The team captains were called on to take the oath and were invested with the respective team sashes. Fr. Jude D’Mello, Rector, then declared the ‘House System’ for the year 2008–09 open. Congratulating the Captains, Fr. Jude quoted Thomas Watson saying: “Nothing so proves a man’s ability to lead others as what he does from day to day to lead himself’. He encouraged the boarders to become captains not only of the boarding but also in the school. The investiture ceremony concluded with a hymn to Dominic Savio, the model for all youth, followed by a photo session.