Kurla Correspondent
KURLA, SEPTEMBER 11, 2008: St. Joseph’s ITI Kurla, together with Lerch Bates Pvt. Ltd. India, (a joint venture company of Lerch Bates Inc., U.S.A) inaugurated a short term course for Elevator Field Assistants at Kurla. The objective of this course as explained by Mr. Amar, the Principal is to impart training especially to underprivileged young men as Elevator Field Assistants. There are over forty thousand lifts in Mumbai city alone as of date and there is a huge demand for lift mechanics. There are practically no training courses offered in this sector. The training for this initial course extends over a period of six months and equips the trainee to function as a semi skilled helper on maintenance/installations. They can earn acceptable wages for a start and have good future prospects. The first month is spent at the institute and this is followed by five months training in the field. After appraisal of those completing the course, opportunities for further training would be offered. Trainees need to be within 18-21 years of age, should have passed Std VIII in any medium, should understand Mumbai Hindi and have the ability to read and use international numerics in basic operations (+, -, x). The candidate should also be medically fit to work as elevator helper. Mr. Ramesh Chhabria in the presence of the Rector – Fr. Mario Vaz and Dr. S. Krishnamoorthy emphasized to the students that it was a great opportunity for getting skilled and for subsequent employment. One elevator company has already offered to absorb all the trainees who have successfully completed the course. Nine candidates from Shelter Don Bosco, Wadala and four individuals from the neighboring bastis have enrolled. Mr. Chhabria hoped that every month 15 new candidates would begin their training. At Don Bosco Campus Kurla the Elevator Field Assistant programme will be an on going one, and is yet another door opened for the underprivileged to be skilled and employable.