Ranald Lopes sdb BORIVLI, SEPTEMBER 23, 2008: Claps and yells filled the air as the first ever ‘Bosco Mania’ was celebrated by the students of Don Bosco, Borivli. The performances began with our Junior and Senior students presenting a Fusion Dance followed by Music Melody. The highlight of the day was a spectacular event ‘60 Seconds to Fame’ where students displayed their unique abilities. We saw a participant drinking water without touching the bottle, a participant burping continuously for a minute and one participant who balanced many rulers on his nose. The Air Crash Event had students donning famous characters and convincing the jury as to why they should get the only parachute left in case of an air crash. Movie Making was introduced for the first time in our school and each House created short documentary films with a social message like Terrorism, Education for All, Literacy, etc. Bosco Mania also had the students displaying their cooking skills in the “Little Chef” programme. There were Flower arrangement competition, Face Painting, Greeting Card, Elocution and Essay writing competitions being conducted simultaneously. The entire programme was a smooth affair thanks to the meticulous planning and vision of our Principal, Fr. Bosco D’Mello. The programme was judged by Mr. Mohit Pathak, Ms Nidhi Uttam, Mr. Nitin Upadhyay all eminent personalities from the Media field. We look forward to this event next year again.