Cleophas Braganza sdb MUMBAI, DECEMBER 22, 2008: With Christmas almost here, we are now in the wonderful ‘season of gifts’. Over the weekend, the Mumbai Province was blessed with a very special gift of three new priests. On Saturday, December 20 evening, Deacons Clifford Morais and Christopher George were ordained at the Shrine of Mary, Help of Christians, Matunga, Mumbai by Bishop Bosco Penha. During his homily, the Bishop reminded the faithful to be grateful to God for the gift of priests who are dedicated to the service of the people of God. Despite their limitations and weaknesses, they continue to be instruments of God's mercy, love and care. He invited the newly ordained and other priests present to give themselves wholly to Jesus who alone can sustain and fructify the priestly ministry. The following morning, Sunday, December 21, Deacon Ajit Munis was ordained at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Uttan Pali, by Bishop Thomas Dabre. Bishop Dabre, making a play on words, said that while Fr. Bona (latin for good) was the parish priest, and the church was still being renovated, the Lord had generously given a "boni" (inaugural sale) to the parish. He reminded those present of the total self-giving and sacrifice required of an ordained minister of the Church. Despite the prevailing climate of vilification and violence against the Church and her leaders in India, Ajit had been generous enough to say "yes" to the call of the Lord. On both the days a large number of people, including Salesians, family members, relatives, friends and well wishers were present for the ordination. The Province now awaits the ordination of Deacon Mayank Parmar, who will be ordained on December 27, in Anand, Gujarat at the hands of Bishop Thomas Macwan.