Mayank Parmar sdb NARUKOT, APRIL 2, 2009: Don Bosco Narukot organized a series of village meetings on March 30 and 31, with the aim of motivating women to join together and form Sangathans. This is a different model from the Self Help Groups. While in the SHG model small groups are formed, the Sangathan model brings together all the women of the village onto a single platform. Again, unlike the SHG model which tends to focus on savings, loans and income generation projects, the Sangathan works on issues that are relevant and important to the village community. The first meeting on March 30 was held in Zalaria, while in the afternoon a meeting was held in Hirapur. The following day, March 31, meetings were held in Chalwad and Gandhra. Ms. Nimiben Parmar, a Sangathan expert, was the chief resource person for all the meetings. She explained to the women the need to come together to resolve the various issues they are facing in their villages. Quoting several examples and success stories, she pointed out to the women that often what seems impossible in the beginning can ultimately be achieved through unity, creative thinking and persistence. Mr. Subhash Shirsath, DB Narukot Development staff, discussed several practical issues with the women, such as the actual difficulties that they are facing and what could be possible solutions. He assured the women that Don Bosco would guide them through the entire process. All the women who attended the meetings were highly enthusiastic about the Sangathan concept. Slowly but surely, this people’s movement is bound to usher in the much needed development in these tribal villages.