Bro. Cresence Lemos sdb

LONAVLA, NOVEMBER 4, 2010: Rising to another new day the scouts of Gromo 2010 from nine Don Bosco schools all over Maharashtra began their day with B.P. exercises followed by Mass and Scouts’ own. Bro. Thomas the chief guest for the day addressed the troop. He reminded the troop that the things they learn here are not just for the moment but they are things which have to be cherished and treasured for life.

Later during the day the scouts and guides were on a long trail following tracking signs and ultimately reaching their destiny. The hike lasted for three hours. Later in the afternoon after lunch the patrols began building their pioneering projects. This was followed by a quiz on scouting which was animated by the brothers of Divyadaan. The evening was brightened up by the cultural evening programme wherein the patrols were asked to put up either a Folk-song or a Folk Dance. It was an evening splendid with colourful costumes and melodious voices. The day came to an end with the COH.

It was nice to see the scouts and guides coming together for a common purpose and learning to work as a team.