Godfrey D'Souza sdb

ANDHERI, JUNE 29, 2011:On June 29, 2011, the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, St. Dominic Savio High School had the Inauguration ceremony of its House System.

Fr. Godfrey D'Souza, the Rector, Fr. Crispino D'Souza, the Principal and Fr. Edwin Colaco, the Administrator, and Mrs. Vidhya the Supervisor of the Secondary were escorted to their seats with the scouts leading the march.

This year the school chose as their House Patrons three men who were young boys during the time of Don Bosco and studied with Don Bosco. The fourth became a Salesian Brother.
Captain:-  Bearing the name ‘Rua’ the Red house is honored to look upon Blessed Michael Rua as its house patron. ‘The Living Rule’ as he was nicknamed illustrates his severe loyalty. Drawing inspiration from his goodness and fatherliness we take ‘Obedience & Respect” as our motto.
Vice Captain:-Blessed Michael Rua the last of the nine children was the first successor of St. John Bosco. Don Bosco once told him “we two will go halves in everything”. His own plan of life and action was drawn through fidelity to the founder. It is said that “he made the spring a stream and a stream a river.” With the able guidance of our House teachers Mrs. Mona Dias for the Senior Section and Mrs. Swati Futardo for the Junior Section we pledge to live to our motto.
Captain:-“Go break to the hungry sweet charity’s bread .For living is giving, the angel said.  But   how long must I go on giving? Till the Savior stops giving to you.” These few Line  clearly demonstrates the philosophy, the ideals which have made blessedArtemide  Zatti a living legend.   We the Blue House take Blessed Artemide Zatti as our role model. The ‘Zatti’ house believes in ‘sacrifice and service to all.’
Vice captain:- Experiencing difficulties and hardships at an early age Zatti earned his living starting a as a laborer at the age of nine. As a Salesian priest at the age of twenty three he had already entrusted himself to the service of the suffering. A model of loving kindness, he began his day by visiting the hospital wards and attending to thepeople afflicted by tuberculosis, leprosy and various diseases. Though he wore suffering as a garment he radiated smiles to many. We vow to strive hard with Mrs. Sushila Machado as our House teacher for the Secondary Section and Ms. Erica James as our House Teacher for the Junior Section.
Captain:- The green house believes in standing tall against all odds. Our motto ‘Self Belief and Reason’. Taking Little Michael Magone as our patron, the Magone house believes in igniting hope and the power of reason and expression in the youth. Our clear conscience can ease our worries and keeps the devil in our mind at bay believed Magone. Michael added to his lively faith an exemplary concern and an edifying attitude for all practices of piety.
Vice Captain:-Magone an ardent imitator of St Dominic Savio. The life of Dominic Savio exemplified innate virtues cultivated to a point of heroism throughout his life. In Magone’s life we have a lad abandoned to himself was in the danger of treading the sad road of evil but fortunately the Lord invited Magone to follow Him. He stood tall to Dominic Savio’s motto “Death rather Than Sin”. Under the Dynamic and loving care of our House teachers Mrs. Valerie Mascarenhas for the Secondary Section and Mrs. Renilda Fernandes for the Junior Section the Magone House shall aim to reach the pinnacle of success.

Captain:-“Every great moment of God can be traced to a kneeling figure.” we the yellow house take pride in following the ethics of blessed Philip Rinaldi, a master of Salesian ways and spirituality. Our motto ‘Serenity in Prayer’ is derived from the actions of our patron. The Rinaldi house believes that ‘Nothing can be achieved unless and until we bow low in humility and reverence to the Almighty.’
Vice Captain:-Don Francesia once wrote “Don Rinaldi was only missing the voice of Don Bosco, he had everything else” Absolute confidence in God and unlimited trust in Mary Help of Christians inspired him to sanctified work With the blessings and guidance of our House Teachers Mr. Yogesh Sharma for the Secondary Section and Ms. Kaninka James for the Junior Section we shall aspire to reach our target every day.

The Leaders were ready to take on their responsibility and reach for the stars.