BIS # 3566 Ordinarily Extraordinary

by BIS correspondent 


NASIK-MAHARASHTRA, JULY 11, 2013:  On the 6th of July, Don Bosco Nasik, marked the golden words 'to do ordinary things in an extraordinary way 'of Dominic Savio on the newly elected leaders for the academic year 2013-14. The school captains, house captains and monitors from every class who were elected, took the oath at the installation ceremony on the feast of Dominic Savio.

The program began with a prayer service in which the incidents in the life of Dominic Savio were enacted. All the students were encouraged to emulate him in their own lives.

The chief guest Fr. Robert enlightened the gathering by speaking on Dominic Savio a true leader. The students who stood 1st and 2nd in S.C.C Board exam were also felicitated along with their parents towards the end of the ceremony.