by BIS Corespondent

AHMEDNAGAR, NOV 13, 2015: Brother Alex Gonsalves was recognised by the National Association of Professional Social Workers with a Lifetime Achievement award, for his work in promoting rain-water harvesting and afforestation in Ahmednagar.

The felicitation ceremony was held at the Jain Vishva Bharati Institute, Ladnun Rajasthan, on October 24 and was part of the opening of the 3rd Indian Social Work Congress. Aruna Roy, a noted social worker and herself the recipient of the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Community Leadership, handed the coveted award to Brother Gonsalves.

The Plaque presented to Brother Gonsalves contains a brief summary of the work done by him in the 24 years he has spent working with and for the people of Ahmednagar. Brother was commended for founding Bosco Gramin Vikas Kendra, Ahmednagar along with other dedicated Salesians who have serve the poor in innumerable ways.

The plaque commends Brother for the work he has done in the area of rain harvesting and afforestation in the drought prone villages of Ahmednagar and Beed districts. It refers to him being considered a 'modern day Bhagirath' by the people he works with, after the example of King Bhagirath of yore who is credited with bringing the river Ganga to earth. The plaque also refers to Brother as a committed grass-root worker with a vision, who believes that valuing peoples' participation and knowledge is essential for true development.